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Properties of Multiplication and Division Part F
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Properties of Multiplication and Division Part F


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Grade Level Grades 3-5
Resource Type Lesson Plan
Standards Alignment
Common Core State Standards

About This Lesson

Part F in a six part Module. Apply the distributive property to decompose units. (Lesson 18–19)
Solve two-step word problems involving multiplication and division and assess the reasonableness of answers.(Lesson 20) Solve two-step word problems involving all four operations and assess the reasonableness of answers. (Lesson 21). Aligned with common core standards 3.OA.3, 3.OA.5, 3.OA.7, 3.OA.8, 3.OA.1, 3.OA.2, 3.OA.4, 3.OA.6. Created by EngageNY licensed by Creative commons.…




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February 13, 2020
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February 13, 2020
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Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.
Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.
Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.
Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each.
Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 56 ÷ 8 as the number of objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each.
Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers.
Understand division as an unknown-factor problem.


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